Here is an opportunity to do something that will
Keep Fayette County Great!
Help Craig make a difference
There are many ways to volunteer,
from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.
Here are ways you can help:

I would be honored to have you host a house party or barn party for the campaign!
Let us come to you and explain to your friends and family why we must fight to preserve our special county.
Let's get together and discuss the future and what is needed. Help me understand what improvements must be made first, and what your prior-ties are.
Communication and collaboration will be the hallmarks of my term as Judge. All citizens should have access to their elected officials. Your elected officials work for you!
Contact 832-692-6034 to host a party!
Volunteers are needed to help in many ways.
If you or your family members would like to help, we will equip you to serve.
Would you be interested in calling Fayette County Residents to encourage them to go vote?
Would you like to go door to door and meet your neighbors while informing them of our great message?
Can we count on you on Election Day to help with activities at the poles?
Contact832-692-6034 to volunteer today!
If you believe in our mission to keep taxes low, increase public safety, and provide the tools for businesses to succeed please consider donating to the campaign. Any amount is helpful and appreciated.
For as little as $5 we can place a yard sign to help spread the word.
Larger donations will be used for newspaper advertising, large signs, and radio spots.

Join the Craig Moreau for County Judge Campaign
Al Gross-Treasurer
(713) 516- 3829